
Showing posts from December, 2016


A FRIEND OF MINE: Please, God let me live long enough to take care of my kids before I passes on GOD:  I do not necessarily need you to take care of your kids. This soul soothing response came to the floor of conversation during one of my family visits to my friend’s home some few months ago.  As the conversation ensured between my friend, myself  and my wife, he told us about how he has been growing in his walk with God and shared with us one of his prayer encounters he had with God; he talked about how God had given him this assurance as an answer to the torment that the fear of death was waging on his mind.  This visit  and time of fellowship was very encouraging and also assuring to me because I sometimes ask myself those similar questions- who will take care of my kids should I pass on from this world; this time of fellowship  was one of the beneficial engagement I have had in recent years, it was a case of “ Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the c