
Showing posts from January, 2017

BENEFITS OF DEATH - Death is A Transition Into Immortality

(                How joyfully and assuring would it be if we were to live forever in the Garden of Eden; a space that is void of all the troubles, heartaches, problems, political uncertainty, economic uncertainty, terrorism, but full of God’s glory,  presence, goodness, blessings, covering, provision, protection etc; a space that is similar to heaven. That was exactly what God had planned for man when he created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden.      The presence of the trees of life in the Garden of Eden was an assurance to man that he was going to be an immortal being - Genesis 2:9 (KJV) “And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” God never commanded Adam not to eat of the tree of life, but rather admonished him not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil according to Gen 2:15 -17 (KJV)


The fear of death has been classified as the “mother of all fears” under the sun. No one wants to die, even those who want to go to heaven don't want to die and yet death is the principal way to heaven. But the other side of the coin is that death could also be an exit into hell.  After death you either joyfully go to heaven or sadly go to hell; heaven and hell are real; they are not fictional and once we cannot escape death then we will either end up in heaven or hell. We can use money to employ someone to drive us, employ someone to cook for us, employ someone to manage our business, employ someone to take care of our properties, we can even use money to buy beauty from the beauty shop, but we can never use money to employ someone to take away our death, all human beings have a date with DEATH.  The nuances that comes along with the loss of loved ones, with its accompanying ceremonies such as funerals, wake keeping etc. are evident of the painful and the dreaded fate


The fear of death has been classified as the “mother of all fears” under the sun. No one wants to die, even those who want to go to heaven don't want to die and yet death is the principal way to heaven. But the other side of the coin is that death could also be an exit into hell.  After death you either joyfully go to heaven or sadly go to hell; heaven and hell are real; there are not fictional and once we cannot escape death then we will either end up in heaven or hell.  We can use money to employ someone to drive us, employ someone to cook for us, employ someone to manage our business, employ someone to take care of our properties, we can even use money to buy beauty from the beauty shop, but we can never use money to employ someone to take away our death, all human beings have a date with DEATH.  The nuances that comes along with the loss of loved ones, with its accompanying ceremonies such as funerals, wake keeping etc. are evident of the painful and the dread