There is a popular maxim in my local parlance that goes like this “He who sells his sickness, will definitely find a cure for it” it means that knowing your problems and seeking to resolve it , is actually solving the problem in itself, and choosing to sell your sickness means that you know your exact sickness. There is a difference between knowing that you have a problem and doing nothing about it on one hand, and knowing the problem and doing something about it on the other hand. I have met people who know that they a have problem yet they choose not to do anything about it and I have equally met people who have come to terms with the problems confronting them and then decided to do something about the problem. The latter always have the problem solved, whereas the former is continually plagued by their problems. The bibles says that “ The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” Psalm 34:18(KJV) In the case of the...