
Showing posts from February, 2017

THE HEART IS THE THING – What is the Heart?

“ Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 I once heard someone retort that “the construction of the heart cannot be seen on the face” and guess what my initial reaction to this assertion was? “Hmmmm!!!!!.”But over the years as I began to understand the activities of human beings clearly through studying of the scriptures and the underlying forces of the human behavior, I have come to agree strongly with this assertion. I use to wonder why Jesus Christ was always hard on the religious leaders of his days and yet spent most of his time with sinners and the ordinary segment of the society like tax collectors, fisher folks etc. But after reading and studying the scriptures I just came to one conclusion that, Jesus Christ hated the HYPOCRASY of the heart of these religious leaders.  He once called them a whitewashed tomb in Mathew 23:27 – 28 (GNB) "How terrible for you, teach

THE HEART IS THE THING ( Introduction)

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverb 4:23(KJV) In 1870, Tetteh Quarshie undertook a voyage to the Spanish colony Fernando Po (now Bioko in Equatorial Guinea), and returned to Ghana after six years with several cocoa beans, instead of settling in his home region of Greater Accra, Teshie to be specific, Tetteh Quarshie moved from the plains of Accra to the fertile land of the Akuapim Hills, beyond the Aburi Mountains to settle at Mampong in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Whiles at Mampong he acquired a land and started what is known as the first cocoa farm in Ghana.  In 1879 Tetteh Quarshie planted the seeds at Mampong with some success. Friends and relatives also undertook the planting of cocoa when pods were distributed to them. Soon other farmers followed suit. It was only at this point that the Basel Missionaries stepped into the picture by importing large quantities of the crop into the country. From the Gold Coast (Ghana

BENEFITS OF DEATH - Full Restoration of The Dominion Mandate

(                          The recent wind that blew throughout the geo-political landscape of the world was the wind of change; this wind of change brought unimaginable sweep over of the political powers that be, from the Capitol Hill of the USA, through Banjul the capital city of Gambia and to Ghana’s seat of government (Flagstaff House) here in Accra. Prior to this geo-political changes I followed the political contest keenly especially the rallies and the presidential debates on both international and local media just to understand what goes into the battle for political supremacy in these spaces and one interesting thing that I noticed was the passion, energy, time and resources (human and financial resources) that were sacrificed on the altar of political expedience.       It was reported in both the International and local media that close to $4 billion was spent by both the Republican and the Democratic candidates in the 2016 USA presidential election. Here in my

THE BENEFITS OF DEATH - There is A Reward After Death

                 As strange as it may seem, I think the greatest day that awaits those of us who believe in Jesus Christ and walk with Him is the day we exit from this material world. To us, death should be a blissful transition into an eternal weight of Glory; our lives in this material world is part of the pilgrimage we embarked on, the day we accepted Jesus as our Lord and personal savior to that city; the city whose builder is God the creator of the universe himself according to Hebrews 11:10 (KJV) “For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” .  Having this hope and assurance it is important our lives should be rid of any attachment to this world and material possession as well as filth.      How we conduct ourselves in this world is very important; our conduct in this world should bear similitude to that of our patriarchs who refused to be too mindful of the material things of this world by behaving themselves in a manner that is