THE HEART IS THE THING – The Good Hearted Persons (Part 2)
A good (fertile) hearted person prioritizes his life by channeling his energy towards the things of God first as well as making time for other responsibilities. He understands that the word of God is the only creative agent that can generate a true and meaningful life and give him lasting and eternal inheritance as the bible states in Act 20:32 (KJV) “And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.” Their time of studying God’s word and prayer goes beyond the space of Church bible reading and corporate prayer meetings. Just like the case of Daniel they are deliberate and make time to study God’s word and pray; they do not allow anything to take their time of private studying of the scripture and prayer. They do not even allow church activities and ministry responsibilities to deprive them of their personal time for the word of God. “Then the twel...