
Showing posts from July, 2017


A nation’s character is mostly a reflection of what has been happening at home, I mean the family. History has it that most leaders who have impacted the world both positively and negatively, picked those motivation from their family or their immediate environment. Adolf Hitler, one of the most evil men in history who spearheaded a campaign of industrialized slaughter that was rooted in an anti-Semitic feelings was said to have come from a dysfunctional home, this filled him with a lot of anger and self-esteem problems. Hitler waged a war that claimed over 40 million lives of which over half of them were civilians. While the average person of his days dreamt of a bliss family life, all that occupied Hitler’s mind was war and the destruction of the Jewish people who he blamed as the source of everything that was wrong in the German society. Adolf Hitler’s dysfunctional family had a negative impact on his live and how he viewed things and this eventually affected his country


“For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all Israel.” 2 Samuel 12:12(KJV)  The destruction of the male figure in the family is the surest way of destroying the very foundation of every society; lives and destinies of every society is shaped and nurtured in the home, which is the family. Remember the the popular saying  “Charity begins at home” , the very things that would hold society in unison is charity which is love, has its very foundation at home in the family. And the head of every family is the male figure and the easiest way to destroy every given people is to attack their very foundation which is the stability of the family unit and the easiest way to do that is to attack the head of those units which are the men.  So pornography, although it affects women negatively to some extent, was purposely designed to attack and weaken the male figure in the family. Remember what happened to King David after his sexual escapades with  Bathsheba in 2