A nation’s character is mostly a reflection of what has been happening at home, I mean the family. History has it that most leaders who have impacted the world both positively and negatively, picked those motivation from their family or their immediate environment. Adolf Hitler, one of the most evil men in history who spearheaded a campaign of industrialized slaughter that was rooted in an anti-Semitic feelings was said to have come from a dysfunctional home, this filled him with a lot of anger and self-esteem problems.

Hitler waged a war that claimed over 40 million lives of which over half of them were civilians. While the average person of his days dreamt of a bliss family life, all that occupied Hitler’s mind was war and the destruction of the Jewish people who he blamed as the source of everything that was wrong in the German society. Adolf Hitler’s dysfunctional family had a negative impact on his live and how he viewed things and this eventually affected his country Germany and the world at large when he became the chancellor of Germany. 

The Devil knows very well that if he destroys the family then he will eventually destroy the nations of the world and thereby destroying the world. This might probably explain why there are a lot of people being raised in dysfunctional homes. One of the major factors that is leading to the collapse of most families is sexual immorality of which pornographic addiction is the Chief. I want us to look at the negative effect of sexual immorality (pornographic addiction) on the NATION-:

Let us go back to the accounts of King David and see how his sexual impropriety affected the nation of Israel. Just like any sin that we engage in, sexual impropriety does not only affect and individual but also a whole nation, the bible says in Nahum 3:4(ISV) “Innumerable are the harlotries of this well-favored whore, this mistress of witchcraft, who enslaves nations through her fornication and families through her sorcery.” The following are the negative effects of sexual impropriety on a nation –

1.      It Brings Disgrace To A Country’s Leadership -  The Lord told King David in  2Samuel 12:12  "'What you did in secret I'm going to do right in front of all Israel and in broad daylight as well!'"  and 2Samuel 12:11  "This is what the LORD says: "'Listen very carefully! "'I'm raising up evil against you right out of your own household. "'I'm going to take your wives away from you right before your eyes. "'Then I'll give them to your neighbor. "'And then he's going to have sex with your wives in broad daylight! 

    Although what King David did was in secret, his secret sexual escapades brought a disgrace to the Kingship of Israel as a nation. His own household rose against him; His son Absalom overthrew him and slept with his concubines in the full glare of the public as the Lord has promised according to 2Samuel 16:22(KJV) “So they set up a tent for Absalom on the palace roof, and in the sight of everyone Absalom went in and had intercourse with his father's concubines.”. The entire morality of the once respected Royal family of Israel was shredded into pieces as the seed of sexual impropriety planted by King David bore a disgraceful fruit in the eyes of the public.

In the late 1900’s President Bill Clinton’s fine presidential boat was rocked by the unfortunate sexual encounter he had with Monica Lewinsky- in his book entitled “My Life Bill Clinton” after the secret sexual encounter he had with Monica Lewinsky become public and his inability to continue denying the act, President Bill Clinton apologized to his cabinet 

“On September 10, I called the cabinet to the white House and apologized to them. Many of them didn’t know what to say. They believed in what we were doing and appreciated the opportunity I had given them to serve, but most of them felt I had been selfish and stupid and left them hanging for eight months. Madeline Albright led off, saying I had done wrong and she was disappointed, but our only option was to go back to work. Donna Shalala was tougher, saying it was important for leaders to be good people as well as have good policies. 

My longtime friends James Lee Witt and Rodney Slater talked about the power of redemption, and quoted the scripture. Bruce Babbitt, a Catholic, talked about the power of confession. Carol Browner said she had been forced to talk to her son about subjects she never thought she’d have to discuss with him. Listening to my cabinet, I really understood for the first time the extent to which the exposure of my misconduct and my dishonesty about it had opened a Pandora’s Box of emotions in the America people. 

It was easy enough to say that I had been through a lot in the past six years, and that Starr’s inquisition had been awful and Jones lawsuit was bogus and politically motivated; easy enough to say that even a President’s personal life should remain in private. But once what I had done was out there in all stark ugliness, peoples evaluations of it were inevitably a reflection of their personal experiences, marked not only by their convictions but also by their own fears, disappointments and heartbreaks.” 

Although Both King David of Ancient Israel and Our Current Ex-President Bill Clinton of America had a private illegal sexual engagement, the consequences on their respective nations and leadership was that of ridicule, total disgrace and disappointment.

2.      It Destroys National Cohesion – One negative effect King David’s illicit affairs with Beersheba had on the nation of Israel was the fact that it destroyed  its cohesion. Before this unfortunate incident occurred, the social, moral, political structures that held Israel in unison was intact. However, the sexual impropriety destroyed the very structure that held Israel together. His own Son murdered his brother and overthrew him as the king of Israel. 

     David advisers and friends turned against him - 2Samuel 16:14 -20  “The king and all his men were worn out when they reached the Jordan, and there they rested. Absalom and all the Israelites with him entered Jerusalem, and Ahithophel was with them. When Hushai, David's trusted friend, met Absalom, he shouted, "Long live the king! Long live the king!" "What has happened to your loyalty to your friend David?" Absalom asked him. "Why didn't you go with him?" Hushai answered, "How could I? I am for the one chosen by the LORD, by these people, and by all the Israelites. 

      I will stay with you. After all, whom should I serve, if not my master's son? As I served your father, so now I will serve you." Then Absalom turned to Ahithophel and said, "Now that we are here, what do you advise us to do?" David did not only loose the kingship to his Son Absalom but, the once revered King of Israel was disrespected and taunted in the public according to 2 Samuel 16:6 - 13 “ He threw rocks at David and all of David's staff who were accompanying him, while all the rest of the entourage, including all of David's security detail, were close by him. "Get out of here! Get out!" Shimei yelled as he cursed. "You murderer! You who think you're above the law! 

     The LORD has repaid you personally for murdering the entire dynasty of Saul, whose place you've taken to reign! And the LORD has given the kingdom into your son Absalom's control. Now look! Your own evil has caught up with you, because you're guilty of murder!"At this point, Zeruiah's son Abishai asked the king, "Why should this dead dog be cursing your majesty the king? May I have permission to go over and cut off his head?" But the king responded, "What do I have in common with you sons of Zeruiah? 

      If he continues to curse—and if the LORD has told him, 'Curse David!'—then who are you to be demanding to know 'Why have you done this?'" So David ordered Abishai and all of his staff: "Look! My own son wants to kill me! How much more now is this descendant of Benjamin? Leave him alone and let him go on cursing, because the LORD has ordered him to do this. Perhaps the LORD will take note of my troubles and return good to me instead of curses today!" So David and his entourage went on their way, and Shimei walked along the hillside with him, cursing, throwing rocks, and tossing dirt at David as they went along.”

Pornography (sexual impropriety) like any other sin has a far reaching devastating consequence not only on an individual but also on the society and beyond. The scripture says in Nahum 3:4 A (KJV) “Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts.” I pray for anybody under pornographic addiction to receive the strength of God so as to rise above the challenge. There is a lot God wants to do with you and I. God is counting on our collaboration with Him.  

TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK WITH THE SUB TOPIC-“How to Overcome Pornographic Addiction”
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