
Showing posts from February, 2019


                     “ all men should be saved and come to know the truth” 1 st Timothy 2: 4 Thank you for joining on this journey called “DOES GOD REALLY NEED A NATIONAL CATHEDRAL?. Today we want to continue from where we left off last week, and todays questions is: 1.        DOES GOD NEED A BUILDING? Does God actually need brick and mortar? At this juncture it is obvious that God’s idea of church is not a building: if he really needs one, then the conversion of church buildings into mosques and night clubs in the western world   have nullified the authenticity   and the integrity of our Lord Jesus Christ’s when He said in Mathew 16:18(KJV) “…………………………….. I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”        But the truthfulness of this scripture has been consolidated by the fact that, the persecution of the body of Christ has always led to its growth and expansion; The church of Jesus Christ is not an inanimate object, but a livi


  “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Mathew 16:18(KJV) Let continue from were we ended from our last post. As Christian I want us to look at the importance of building a “National Cathedral” or whether building an edifice for God is part of God’s major headache from the scriptures. But before embarking on this journey let’s look at what really is the meaning of the word “Cathedral”. From the dictionary definition the word cathedral means the bishop’s church: a church that contains a bishop’s throne and is the most important church in the bishop’s diocese. The second meaning of a cathedral is a large important church. From these definitions it is obvious that the word “church” is a key word in unlocking the meaning of cathedral, so let’s then look at the word church.  1.        WHAT IS A CHURCH? - Church according to the dictionary also means (1) a building f


“Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?” .   Act 7:48 – 49 (KJV) PRESIDENT NANA AKUFFO-ADDO:   the lack of a National Cathedral in the country prompted me to take the initiative to ensure such a structure is built, such an edifice will serve a very important purpose for the Christian community in the country. The cathedral will serve as a national non-denominational Christian worship center for the country. The funding for the project will be sourced from the Christian community and Churches in the country. REACTION OF GHANAIANS: “ Is this cathedral bringing jobs or going to stop armed robbery or provide more schools and furnish our hospitals, “I said it, the president has been misled again. Who is guilty this time? With all the churches scattered in this country who needs a national cathedra