“Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?”.  
Act 7:48 – 49 (KJV)

PRESIDENT NANA AKUFFO-ADDO:  the lack of a National Cathedral in the country prompted me to take the initiative to ensure such a structure is built, such an edifice will serve a very important purpose for the Christian community in the country. The cathedral will serve as a national non-denominational Christian worship center for the country. The funding for the project will be sourced from the Christian community and Churches in the country.

REACTION OF GHANAIANS: “ Is this cathedral bringing jobs or going to stop armed robbery or provide more schools and furnish our hospitals, “I said it, the president has been misled again. Who is guilty this time? With all the churches scattered in this country who needs a national cathedral?”, “use the fund to support the free SHS education that is struggling” “Whilst expectant mothers lie on cement floors in hospitals, the leaders are planning to build a national cathedral?” 

“Mr. President, put your foot down, your enemies and the agents of Satan will oppose any good thing you are trying to do for mother Ghana.” “Ghanaians will be putting up this project.” Etc.
The President’s announcement generated a lot of views for and against the building of the national cathedral especially the venue including those that I have already alluded to. Christians on the other side of the argument divide, are even not at the same wavelength when it comes to the importance of the cathedral: 

Some Christians are of the view that God deserves the best, and that looking at the role the church (the body of Christ) had played in the socio-economic development of the nation, it’s only fair and honorable to build such a magnificent edifice to honor the great “I AM GOD”, whereas some Christians do not see the need for such a huge expensive edifice at a very expensive part of the national capital Accra, this group has gone further to state that God doesn’t necessarily need a building to dwell in, thus the money and the resources involved can be channeled into something else.

Then comes the other side of the argument divide, which is mainly made up of those of other faith, as well as those who do not believe in anything at all and of course government official. Then a well-known Muslim cleric, Sheik Aremeyaw Shaibu comes in to say “a National Cathedral will only serve Christians and rather proposed an Interfaith Center could have both mosque and church to serve the two largest religions in the country”. 

His comments was not well received by most Christians, who have argued that Moslem have a big “National Mosque” that is built on a state land at Kawukudi in the national capital Accra, and that when the government released land for the building of the National Mosque not a single voice was raised in objection to this, let alone to suggest that The National Mosque” should be an inter-faith complex. Then until recently I also heard of those of the traditional believe also clamoring for a “National Shrine”. 

But before all these religious argument got to this level, the government official had earlier on intimated that there is the need for “A National Cathedral” so that Christian state events can be held there. Because  the national capital lacked such a huge auditorium that can accommodate the usually huge numbers of dignitaries  and people that usually grace such occasion. Some have even gone ahead to argue that it would serve as a tourist attraction and rack in some needed capital.

I am not really against the building of “A National Cathedral”, but I am also getting worried about the seemingly unhealthy argument that is rising out of these divergent views. This argument is mainly between Christians on one hand and those of the other faith on the other hand; some Christians have gone to the extent of pushing the hushtag “#thecathedralwillhappen”. 

My prayer is that this doesn’t lead to the destruction of our national cohesion.


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