Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ,” 1st Corinthians 11:1 (KJV)

It was not ago when we woke up to very shocking news of a Ghanaian Pastor who gruesomely murdered his wife in Orlando, Florida, USA. Joy new website, a credible new portal reported it this way, and I quote.

A Ghanaian pastor has been arrested for shooting his wife dead in the American city of Orlando, Florida. Sylvester Ofori  murdered his wife Barbara Tommey, 27 outside an Orlando credit union where she works around 9 am. The heinous crime was captured on CCTV camera which led to the identifying and subsequent arrest of Sylvester  Ofori at his private residence.

You can tell that shes trying to get inside. Unfortunately, he shoots her outside of the establishment,Police Chief Orlando Rolon said. Ofori is a pastor of the Floodgates of Heaven on Coburn Avenue in Orlando.On his Facebook page, Ofori calls himself a prophet.He does have quite a large social media following where he speaks to his followers. Calls himself a prophet, his followers call him a prophet,Orlando police Det. Matthew Rogers  said.

The self-styled prophet is reported to have fled the scene  immediately after shooting his wife  multiple times. He was however arrested and charged with first-degree murder with a firearm, according to Orlando police. According to court revelations, Tommey and Ofori were going through a divorce at the time of the shooting. Court records also show that in 2016, Ofori was arrested for resisting an officer who responded to an argument between the two.Someone committed a heinous act of violence towards a loved one and theres no excuse for that,Rogers  said.

This unfortunate action of this young pastor has devastated his church members and nearly shattered their faith; one of his church members said, and I quote “ Im at a loss for words right now. I cant even think about it,she said, remembering the pastors wife as a very beautiful person, inside and out.

As usual, the reactions and the commentaries on most media website were mainly that of condemnation; some even went to the extent of calling the Pastor a fake pastor and a man of Satan, instead of a man of God. This and other unfortunate news about the church and its leaders are really painting Christianity as fading hope for many who are trying to find solace in it.

 Many Christians are becoming delusional about Christianity, thus becoming less interested in church, but not necessarily in Christ. Well, this phenomenon is not new, although it might appear new to this generation. Apostle Paul in one of his instruction to his son Timothy admonish him in 2nd Timothy 3:12-14 (GNB) “ ………… and evil persons and impostors will keep on going from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived themselves

 I want to end here, but I will continue the journey on my next edition. 

Pastor Wisdom Afawubo


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