So this pastor I mentioned in my last edition, told me clearly in the face that there is nothing wrong with marrying or dating more than one woman; he also like those I alluded to earlier on cited some scriptures in support of his view. He mentioned that God did not have problem with Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon and host of men of God in the past who had multiply wives and concubines. I remember he would argue from the scriptures and ask me to show him in the bible were did God explicitly say, thou shall not marry more than one wife. In all these conversation I had with these Christians, there is one thing that always stands out, that is, anybody can always pick scriptures to justify his or her inordinate desire or even advance their hidden motives. The clear example in the bible was, when Satan cherry picked scriptures to tempt Jesus Mathew Chapter 4. The bible said:

Then the Devil took Jesus to Jerusalem, the Holy City, set him on the highest point of the Temple, and said to him, If you are God's Son, throw yourself down, for the scripture says, 'God will give orders to his angels about you; they will hold you up with their hands, so that not even your feet will be hurt on the stones.'   Jesus answered, But the scripture also says, 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.' Then the Devil took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in all their greatness. All this I will give you," the Devil said, "if you kneel down and worship me. Then Jesus answered, Go away, Satan! The scripture says, 'Worship the Lord your God and serve only him! [1] 

So this is not new. The point I want to make here is, that someone quoting scriptures to justify their worldview or behavior does not necessarily mean that what they are saying is right; it doesn’t matter who the person is. The person can be a deacon, a pastor like me, a bishop or the Pop himself, no human being is the originator of all scripture truth or revelation, hence every view should be interrogated in the light of scripture like Jesus did when he was tempted by Satan. It is the surest way to guide ourselves from being swept away by any wind of doctrine. Remember Satan quoted the scriptures to Jesus in Mathew 4:6, but look at Jesus’s response, He also used the scripture to bring a balance and the truth to the view Satan was advancing to him in verse 7 of Mathew 4. What we must understand in the application of scriptures is that there must be a balancing act. Hence we have a responsibility as believers to interrogate the views we are developing in the light of the wholeness of scripture. Before we go on to look at these strange doctrines of a man marrying more than one wife, I want us to look at how to study the scripture wholly and draw conclusions that are balanced and consistent with the absolute truth of God. 

To be continued in the next edition

[1] Mark 4:


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