“God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality.
1 Thessalonians 4:3(GNB)
Pornography!!! Hmm, is what I have come to call the silent killer of
the faith of most Christians, especially men. I was surprised to hear a marriage
counselor telling a couple he was taking through a marriage counselling section
to watch pornography so as to know how to have sex, because I thought the bible
says in 1Thessalonians_5:22(KJV) “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” Let’s
take a pause and look at the standard definition of the word pornography and
then we look at it in the context of the scriptures.
The word Pornography
according to the Encarta dictionary means anything that is portraying sex explicitly
and intended to cause sexual arousal through films, writings, magazines,
photographs and other mediums that makes sexual arousal overt. It also means
something that is filthy or dirty. From the definition of the word pornography
it is clear that what magnifies sexual arousal is the sense of sight. And it is
obvious to me that those who are most vulnerable to pornography are men; unlike
women, men are mainly those who are moved by what they see.
The bible talks
about the first man in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2:23(KJV) “And Adam
said, this is now bone of my
bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken
out of Man.” From this scripture you can see how Adam was attracted by what
he saw in Eve; he was never attracted to any of the creatures that God brought
to him to name according to Genesis 2:20 “And
Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast
of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.”
So that
explains the reason why majority of the pornographic addicts are men, Satan designed
pornography to destroy men - the head of most Homes and institutions of the
world. The headship of the man in the
society cannot be eroded by our contemporary social theories, it will only lead
to chaos. The fact that man is the head
cannot be contested, that was why when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, the first
person God held accountable was not the woman, but the man who was supposed to
be the head in the union according to Genesis 3:9-17.
Having looked at pornography as - anything that is sexually explicit
and leads to sexual arousal through the medium of films, writings, magazines,
photographic and other overt means, let’s juxtapose this to the situation of King
David in 2nd Samuel 11. According to verse 2 through to verse 4 “One day, late in the afternoon, David got
up from his nap and went to the palace roof. As he walked around up there, he
saw a woman taking a bath in her house. She was very beautiful. So he sent a
messenger to find out who she was, and learned that she was Bathsheba, the
daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite. David sent messengers to
get her; they brought her to him and he made love to her. (She had just
finished her monthly ritual of purification.) Then she went back home.” (GNB)
this narrative it was clear that what David saw attracted or sexually aroused
him - he saw the woman bathing from the top of his roof, he had a full view of
her nakedness and got sexually aroused, he did not stop there, he went further
to get the woman and slept with her. His view was not even through films,
magazines or photographs, he saw the nakedness of someone’s wife with his naked
eyes, and it was more explicit than even pornography.
But unlike Kunle, I have not seen any account in the scripture that
seems to suggest that King David got addicted to this sexual encounter. But
what this account seems to suggest, is the viciousness of this thing called pornography
to our faith as Christians. No wonder Job said in Job 31:1(GNB) “I have made a solemn promise never to look
with lust at a woman.” The issue is not that a man should not look at a
woman, but the point here is that he should not look at a woman lustfully or in
a way that arouses him sexually.
Jesus Christ emphasized this important truth
when he said “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman
to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” (KJV) According to Mathew 5:28(KJV). A further study
into what Job and Jesus Christ said seems to suggest that what makes looking at
a woman lustfully wrong, is sexual impropriety. I do not think that if a married
man looks at his wife lustfully in his heart he has committed any act of sexual
impropriety, unlike David who looked at someone’s wife lustfully.
What makes
pornography so bad is the fact that a lot of men including a good number of Christians
are lustfully looking at women they are not married to through films, music
videos, magazines, pictures and other overt mediums. This satanic trapping is
basically designed to floor men. Let’s
be real here, most men to be precise a good number of Christians have been affected
by this trappings along their walk with God. Personally, I have had this challenge
before and it felt like I had been caged.
For us men, this thing is so alluring
– it is like a magnetic field holding you tight and the
only way out is to flee from it and avoid any appearance of it according to 1Thessalonians 5:22. I do not think King
David had premeditated to go have a good look at Bathsheba taking her bath, but
he just happen to see her bathing and being a man, although he was anointed of
God he reacted to what he saw. What makes this battle more titanic for most of us
men, is the fact that our society seems to be inundated with a lot of sexually explicit
A simple soft drink advert on the television to the overt gigantic automobile
billboard along the major highways in our cities, are littered with pictures of
almost naked women alongside the product being advertised. And the fact that men
naturally react to this kind of thing makes the whole thing though. The upsurge
of pornography in our century is gathering momentum, and as Christians we must
get ourselves ready to fight and survive this satanic onslaught on our faith.
Pornography has grown over the years, it has grown beyond looking at a woman
lustfully for sexual gratification to assume very sickening forms such as:
So we must avoid any form of this evil appearance whether it’s soft
pornography or hard pornography, remember what the scriptures says in 1Thessalonians
4:3(GNB) “God wants you to be holy and
completely free from sexual immorality. Let’s corporate with God as he helps
us deal with this menace.
NEXT WEEK WITH THE SUB TOPIC -“The Negative effects Of Pornography”
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