
  ONE MAN,   MULTIPLE WOMEN (PART 2) So this pastor I mentioned in my last edition, told me clearly in the face that there is nothing wrong with marrying or dating more than one woman; he also like those I alluded to earlier on cited some scriptures in support of his view. He mentioned that God did not have problem with Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon and host of men of God in the past who had multiply wives and concubines. I remember he would argue from the scriptures and ask me to show him in the bible were did God explicitly say, thou shall not marry more than one wife. In all these conversation I had with these Christians, there is one thing that always stands out, that is, anybody can always pick scriptures to justify his or her inordinate desire or even advance their hidden motives. The clear example in the bible was, when Satan cherry picked scriptures to tempt Jesus Mathew Chapter 4. The bible said: “ Then the Devil took Jesus to Jerusalem, the Holy City, set him on the high


In recent years, it is almost becoming an advocacy by some Christian married men, to argue that there is nothing wrong  with marrying more than one wife. Their reasons span from the fact that some Patriarchs of the Christian faith like Abraham, Jacob, David, and the like, married more than one woman, and the fact that our forefathers had  a more peaceful and stable polygamous marriage  and, yet never experienced the kind of tumultuous marriage some Christian men who are unionized with one wife are experiencing. I have had the privilege of listening to some of these views carefully and then asking some follow-up questions just to get into the heart of this newfound theological view on several occasions. Do you know what I am finding out? I am sure your guess is as good as mine. You see the truth is that the scripture can be used by anybody to justify their actions without properly giving recourse to precepts that are consistent with the Character of God. I remember a recent conversation


  “It was of this that God called you, for Christ himself suffered for you and left you an example to follow, so that you will follow in His steps. He committed no sin, and no one ever heard a lie come for his lips”  1 Peter 2:21-22(GNB) Let continue from we ended in our last edition under this Journey called " CHRIST THE STANDARD".  In one of his many confrontations with the religious leaders of his days, Jesus warned his followers not to follow the conduct of the religious leaders but only imitate their teaching, and I quote from Mathew 23:2 -3 (GNB) “ The teachers of the law and the Pharisees are the authorized interpreters of Moses law. So you must obey and follow everything they tell you to do; do not, however, imitate their actions, because they don’t practice what they preach” .  What Jesus sought to communicate to his followers is quite clear - which is the word of God, which he represents. The word of God is the only standard by which one can measure his spiritual at


 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps" 1Peter 2:21(KJV)  I want to continue from where we ended in the last edition of our Journey called " CHRIST THE STANDARD". In our last edition, we looked at the unfortunate incident of the Pastor who shot and killed his wife in Florida, USA. Although there a lot of imposters who parading as men of God or prophet of God as stated by Paul according to  2  Timothy 3:12-14 (GNB)  “ ………… and evil persons and impostors will keep on going from bad to worse,  deceiving and being deceived themselves ” The truth also is, there are equally many pastors who are not impostors but genuinely called by God; some of these men of God are usually very anointed and have a large following. The trouble with most of them is that because they have not taken time to go through the process of becoming ready for the work of ministry, their ministry and attitude give confl


“ Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ ,”  1 st  Corinthians 11:1 (KJV) It was not ago when we woke up to very shocking news  of a Ghanaian Pastor who gruesomely   murdered  his wife in Orlando, Florida, USA. Joy new website, a credible new portal reported it this way, and I quote. “ A Ghanaian pastor has been arrested for shooting his wife dead in the American city of Orlando, Florida.   Sylvester Ofori   murdered his wife Barbara Tommey, 27 outside an Orlando credit union where she works around 9 am.   The heinous crime was captured on CCTV camera which led to the identifying and subsequent arrest of Sylvester   Ofori at his private residence. “ You can tell that she ’ s trying to get inside. Unfortunately, he shoots her outside of the establishment, ” Police Chief Orlando Rolon said.   Ofori is a pastor of the Floodgates of Heaven on Coburn Avenue in Orlando.On his Facebook page, Ofori calls himself a prophet. “ He does have quite a large social media following where h

How To Assimilate God's Word ( Introduction)



As we conclude this journey,   one thread that runs across this narrative is “Our God doesn’t dwells in brick and mortar” according Act 7:48 (KJV) “Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet” . It is clear from our journey so far that God doesn’t need a cathedral and that showing appreciation to him as nothing to do with an edifice, but rather a hearts   condition that reflect godliness in our   conduct towards one another. A heart of obedience is what requires of us. When Solomon finished building the temple in Jerusalem and dedicated it to the Lord in 2 nd Chronicle, this was God’s response to Solomon “ But if you turn aside and forsake my statutes and my commandments that I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will pluck you up from my land that I have given you and this house that I have consecrated for my name, I will cast out of my sight, and I will make it a proverb and a byword among a